Nicole Schwindenhammer
(814) 867-4284
Knowledge Base: I am a Community Member
Enroll in Penn State’s Intensive English program. The Intensive English Communication Program (IECP) at Penn State offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes a focus on speaking and listening skills in English. Detailed information about admission, program dates and fees is available on the IECP website.
Take a local English conversation class. The Mid-State Literacy Council, located in downtown State College, offers courses in conversational English. ESL classes are also hosted by Global Connections, a community-based organization that offers welcome and support to internationals in the State College area. Free English language classes and tutoring are also available to community members from the Career Pathways Program at Penn State.
Request a conversation partner. International and multilingual community members who are seeking to practice their conversational English and to learn more about local culture may request a Conversation Partner through Penn State’s Community Engagement office.
Enroll in Penn State’s Intensive English program. The Intensive English Communication Program (IECP) at Penn State offers a comprehensive language curriculum that includes courses on writing and reading skills in English at intermediate and high intermediate proficiency levels. Detailed information about admission, program dates and fees is available on the IECP website.
Take a local English writing class. Classes in academic writing for international students are available at the Mid-State Literacy Council, located in downtown State College.
The Mid-State Literacy Council, located in downtown State College, offers classes on written and spoken English, and language test preparation. Consult their website for detailed information about course schedules and fees. Local international community members who do not have student status (that is, do not have an F-1 visa) may take free English classes from the Career Pathways Program in the College of Education, which are offered both online and in person off-campus.
Community members may volunteer as Conversation Partners through Penn State’s Community Engagement Programs, which offer culture and language support to international students in the State College area. Volunteers are also welcome at Global Connections, a local community organization that welcomes and supports internationals in the State College area.