Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts
Visiting Scholars and Post-docs

Knowledge Base: I am a Visiting Scholar or Post-Doc


Join EPPIC’s Scholar Member Program. Gain access to multiple workshops on academic writing, and to schedule EPPIC Individual Consultation appointments with experienced English language teachers who specialize in working with multilingual writers.

Join EPPIC’s Scholar Member Program. This program gives visiting scholars access to professional workshops on a variety of writing-related topics and to EPPIC Individual Consultation appointments with experienced English language teachers who specialize in working with multilingual writers.

Attend writing workshops offered by the Graduate Writing Center. These workshops are free of charge; registration is available online.


Join EPPIC’s Scholar Member Program. Through this program, visiting scholars gain access to multiple workshops that focus on academic speaking skills such as small talk, pronunciation, giving research presentations, participating in discussions, practicing for job interviews in the U.S., and working in groups. Scholar members may also schedule EPPIC Individual Consultation appointments to receive individualized support on pronunciation, academic presentation skills, or academic speaking skills. Scholar Members may also join weekly Speak UP sessions led by an experienced language teacher from EPPIC. Speak UP sessions are designed to help international scholars learn about U.S. university language and culture, and gain practice and confidence in their academic speaking skills in English in a variety of situations. 

Request a language partner. International students may request a Global Conversation partner by contacting Wenjie Fu in Penn State’s Office of Global Programs.

Join EPPIC’s Scholar Member Program. Through this program, visiting scholars gain access to EPPIC workshops on American academic culture and language throughout the year, and can participate in EPPIC’s speaking groups to learn more about academic language and culture in the U.S. and to practice conversational strategies for a variety of situations.


Attend teaching-focused workshops. Support for developing teaching skills in a U.S. university context (e.g., delivering clear lectures, leading discussions effectively, handling student questions, adjusting to student expectations) is available through workshops offered jointly by EPPIC (English for Professional Purposes Intercultural Center) and SITE (Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence).