Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts
Frequently Asked Questions


Where can I get help with my general academic speaking skills?

You can attend EPPIC’s weekly Speak Up! Group for support and practice, and work individually with an EPPIC speaking tutor in 7 Sparks. You may also request a Global Conversation Partner from Global Connections in Boucke Building.

Where can I get help with my research presentation skills?

You can attend EPPIC workshops on giving academic presentations and work with an EPPIC tutor to develop and practice presentations.

Where can I get help with job interview skills?

You can attend workshops on job interview communication skills organized by Career Services and by EPPIC.

How can I learn more about academic writing in English?

You can attend workshops on graduate academic writing organized by the Graduate Writing Center and by EPPIC. You can also work with writing tutors at EPPIC in Sparks 7.

Where can I get individual help with my academic writing?

You can consult writing tutors at EPPIC in Sparks 7. The Penn State Postdoctoral Society may also have writing groups you can join.